Simodont software V4.16 release

24 February 2023

We are proud to present the newest Simodont software: V4.16.

This software version is applicable to all Simodont units (currently over 700 Simodont units at 130+ schools). Innovations focus on a new procedure, increased performance and improved user friendliness.

 Key features of this new software release:

  • PRO700 – Introduction of the newest Nissin typodont available,
  • Target in tooth – Models for these cases are created by embedding the ideal prep information of the PRO700-A21/A25 tooth in a sound double layered tooth from the PRO700-A20 series,
  • Bridge improvements,
  • Assessment of the adjacent teeth – Possibility to track weather a student has touched the adjacent teeth in real time,
  • A range of user friendliness improvements for teachers and students.

“Taking away limits in dental education.”

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