Introducing TrueTeethLab: create Simodont models from CBCT scans in just a few clicks
What if you could do patient specific training based on patient CBCT scans… increasing insight and realism. Or create your own high fidelity, high resolution tooth library?
Nissin introduces the TrueTeethLab software tool. From now on, CBCT or micro-CT scans (.DICOM files) can be easily converted into Simodont compatible models. This web-based tool uses an AI-trained algorithm to automatically locate and identify the different dental tissues (enamel, dentine, pulp) in the scan, each with their own haptic hardness. No scan editing is needed, it is a ‘one-click-and-go’ process: upload – convert – download.
Some benefits for users:
- ‘Patient specific training 2.0’ with not just the correct tooth shape (.stl and .ply files) of individual patients, but with the full anatomic details offered by .DICOM files including the pulp chamber, dentin and enamel.
- Increase insight and realism.
- Independently create your own custom tooth- and jaw library for Simodont.
The software will initially process individual teeth (micro-CT scans) only, but later in 2024 the possibility to convert partial- & full jaw scans (patient CBCT scans) will be activated. Currently the availability is limited to Europe, but at a later moment the access will become global.
OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE: September 9th 2024, @ADEE Leuven