Evidence Based
Evidence Based
On this page links are provided to research articles related to Simodont

The potential integration of Simodont® Dental Trainer in different stages of the dental curriculum
Mahmoud M. Bakr et al
The Saudi Dental Journal (2024)
patient-specific virtual simulation in the clinical training for prosthetic dentistry
Anda Slaidina et al
Wiley/ European Journal of Dental Education (2023)
application of virtual reality and haptics system simodont in chinese dental education: a scoping review
Yudong Huang et al
Wiley/ European Journal of Dental Education (2023)
Distinguishing skill levels with haptic simulation in restorative dentistry: Myth or reality?
David Joseph et al
Wiley/ European Journal of Dental Education (2023)
VR-haptic and phantom head dental training: Does the order matter? A comparative study from a preclinical fixed prostho-dontics course
Szabolcs Felszeghy et al
Pubmed / Quintessence Publishing (2023)
Bridging the Preclinical-Clinical Transition in Dentistry with Extended Reality
Carlos M. Serrano
ACTA Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunder Amsterdam (2023)
Virtual reality and haptics in dental education: Implementation progress and lessons learned after a decade
Carlos M. Serrano
Wiley / European Journal of Dental Education (2022)
Virtual 3D tooth creation for personized haptic simulation training in access cavity preparation
Min-Hsun Hsu et al
ScienceDirect / Journal of Dental Sciences (2022)
Virtual reality as a novel approach for dental students’ education
– a preliminary survey study
Aleksandra I. Orlańska et al
ScienceDirect / Journal of Dentistry (2022)
Students’ and tutors’ perceptions of a deliberate simulated practice using patient-specific virtual and three-dimensional printed teeth models: A pilot study
Jorge A. Tricio et al
Wiley / Journal of Dental Education (2022)
The haptic 3D virtual reality dental training simulator as a good educational tool in preclinical simulation learning
Po-Yu Yang, Yu-Chao Chang
ScienceDirect / Journal of Dental Sciences (2022)
Impact of the Haptic Virtual Reality Simulator on Dental Students’ Psychomotor Skills in Preclinical Operative Dentistry
Abeer Farag, Danya Hashem
Pubmed / Clinics and Practice (2021)
Use of Computer Simulation in Dental Training with Special Reference to Simodont
Angie Lok-Sze Leung et al
Pubmed / Clinics and Practice (2021)
First experiences with patient-centered training in virtual reality
Carlos M. Serrano
Wiley / Journal of Dental Education (2020)
Virtual Reality as a novel educational tool in pre-clinical paediatric dentistry training: Students’ perceptions
Sobia Zafar
Wiley / Journal of dental education (2020)
Evaluation of the introduction of a dental virtual simulator on the performance of undergraduate dental students in the pre-clinical operative dentistry course
Murbay Sukhdeep et al
Wiley / European Journak of Dental Education (2019)
Der SIMODONT Dental Trainer als sicheres Bewertungssystem und Lehrmodul in der zahn-medizinischen Ausbildung
(The SIMODONT Dental Trainer as a reliable evaluation system and teaching module in dental training)
Josefine Holter
Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2019)
Real patients in virtual reality: the link between phantom heads and clinical dentistry
Carlos M. Serrano
PubMed / Ned Tijdschrift Tandheelkunde (2018)
Developing haptic caries simulation for dental education
Cecilie A. Osnes, Andrew Keeling
White Rose Research Online / Journal of Surgical Simulation (2017)
Haptic simulators with virtual reality environments in dental education: A preliminary teaching diagnosis
Coro Montanet Gleyvis
Universidad Europea (2017)
The need for virtual reality simulators in dental education: A review
Mahmoud M Bakr et al
The Saudi Dental Journal (2017)
Can Virtual Simulators Replace Traditional Preclinical Teaching Methods: A Students’ Perspective?
Mahmoud M Bakr
ResearchGate (2016)
Can Virtual Simulators Replace Traditional Preclinical Teaching Methods: A Students’ Perspective?
Mahmoud M Bakr et al
Griffith University (2015)
Estudio exploratorio de simulador de realidad virtual como herramienta educativa odontológica en estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile del sexto semestre año 2014
(Exploratory study of virtual reality simulator as a dental educational tool in students of the University of Chile in the sixth semester of 2014)
Parada Rosales, Valentina
Javiera Universidad de Chile (2014)
Baseline Manual Dexterity And Perceptions Of The Simodont Haptic Trainer
Owen Chin, Erica Yates
IADR Abstract Archives Brisbane Meeting (2014)
Does early exposure to haptic feedback during preclinical dental education enhance the development of psychomotor skills in Restorative Dentistry?)
Mahmoud M Bakr
International Journal of Dental Clinics (2014
Evaluation of Simodont® haptic 3D virtual reality dental training simulator
Mahmoud M Bakr
International Journal of Dental Clinics (2013)
Simodont Dental Trainer – Research (multiple articles)
ACTA Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (2009 – 2017)

“Taking away limits in dental education.”