Simple and complex caries cases are available for preparation, offering students real life caries cases.
Cariology preparations
Cariology preparations can be practiced on a large range of 3D models made from high-resolution micro-CT scans of extracted teeth. These models contain the different dental tissues (enamel, dentine, pulp, caries, amalgam, composite) and the anatomy of the scanned tooth and the tissue boundaries are exactly rendered.
The available caries cases range from mild to extreme and are suitable for either standard preps or minimal invasive preps.
By experiencing real world anatomy and pathology students can understand and train for the challenges that caries cases may provide.
Students can make treatment plans prior to starting the preparation. Both the teacher and student can later compare the plan with the actual prep that was made.
Teachers can evaluate and grade students’ work from their own desktop once the students have submitted their work.
Support from Simodont
We understand that with any advanced technology it is great if someone is available to help you out with questions or to guide you every now and then.